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Have you heard about Linton tweed? It is a fabulous mill in the Lake District that was discovered by Coco Chanel to make her iconic jackets. I have made this cap from a wonderful brown Linton tweed flecked with navy and a complimentary silk velvet band. I made the brim from leather as if you are caught in the rain the water runs off rather than becoming waterlogged.

I have lined the hat in silk form a vintage cravat material (from a wonderful craftsman who was shutting up shop). 

Captains caps are a fabulous winter casual hat, lining it with silk makes it warm and protects the hair from undue damage. I had drafted and redrafted the pattern for this a number of times to get the design just as I wanted it, there is nothing like wearing a hat to work out if it really fits and sits well.

This hat is a medium size at 22 1/2” head fit.

Brown and navy Linton tweed captains cap

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